“A hypothesis that is not falsifiable must be true.”

- Karl Popper, Austrian Philosopher


  • Falsification deals with the active search of scientifically sound information to disprove a working hypothesis. If no sound data to disprove the hypothesis can be generated or found, the hypothesis must be true.

  • Falsification is the opposite function of verification which is prone to be biased due to stakeholder motivation to find and generate supportive data that proves their hypothesis. Even the most objective investigator is prone to interpret information favorably since it supports the hypothesis that motivated her to engage in this endeavor in the first place.

  • Falsification differs from Devil’s advocacy in so far that it does not rely on the experience and expertise of individuals (i.e. KOL / expert bias) but on objectively collected and interpreted data.

Adivo developed a strict falsification playbook to prevent companies from committing to large strategic errors.

Only an independent party should falsify a business hypothesis. No matter the outcome – falsification will optimize your strategy.